
Tour Guides

in Costa Rica

Tour Guides certified by the Costa Rica Tourism Board

There many advantages that come with traveling along a tour guide. You can get more information and details about our nature, cultural and historical facts in your own language that you would have missed if you happen to travel on your own. You can also practice your Spanish and some Tico Talk. Tour guides can help you save time and make the most of it. They are great at spotting animals and birds in hidden places or in the middle of the forest. You are welcome to choose any of the following certified tour guides that better suits your needs, among +2500 available in different specialties.

Title ID Number Guide Specialty Guide Language Telephone
José Mario Garita Vado 2070 Local Pacífico Central Spanish 8521-3836
José Mauricio Chinchilla 2336 General English 8991-1716
José Mauricio Mendoza 972 General English 6454-2083
José Mauricio Vargas R 2581 General English 8722-6658
José Mauro Madrigal M 1931 General English 6093-8549
José Medina Chamorro 1138 Naturalist Spanish 6188-2172
José Medina Chamorro 2126 Local Amistad Caribe Spanish 6188-2172
José Miguel Barquero V 464 General English 8837-5841
José Miguel Calvo Rivera 1934 General English 8606-5692
José Miguel Calvo Rivera 724 Naturalist English 8606-5692
José Miguel Durán López 1796 General Spanish 8359-8986
José Miguel Durán López 1165 Cables and ropes Spanish 8359-8986
José Miguel Durán López 565 Naturalist Spanish 8359-8986
José Miguel Leitón D 922 Cables and ropes Spanish 8617-3589
José Octavio Bravo Rivas 889 Cables and ropes Spanish 8890-6210
José Pablo Boalños G 2514 General English, French 8720-1950
José Pablo Castillo G 849 Naturalist English, Portuguese 8345-4166
José Pablo Castillo H 2929 General English 8319-5775
José Pablo Largaespada 1294 Local Spanish 8650-5819
José Pablo Schmidt 456 General English 8383-2212
José Pablo Ugalde Ajú 149 Naturalist English 8920-0416
José Rafael Solano B 712 Naturalist English, French 8333-5807
José Rafael Solano B 1726 General English, French 8333-5807
José Roberto Carballo C 4-0209-0583 General Spanish 8747-0947


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