
Tour Guides

in Costa Rica

Tour Guides certified by the Costa Rica Tourism Board

There many advantages that come with traveling along a tour guide. You can get more information and details about our nature, cultural and historical facts in your own language that you would have missed if you happen to travel on your own. You can also practice your Spanish and some Tico Talk. Tour guides can help you save time and make the most of it. They are great at spotting animals and birds in hidden places or in the middle of the forest. You are welcome to choose any of the following certified tour guides that better suits your needs, among +2500 available in different specialties.

Title ID Number Guide Specialty Guide Language Telephone
José Freiner Pérez C 1459 Local Spanish 8419-1785
José Gabriel Rivas Ducca 593 General Spanish 8396-3270
José García Cordero 2006 Local Arenal Tempisque Spanish 8490-7107
José Gerardo Rojas S 2408 General English 8629-8133
José Guillermo Alfaro M 2925 General Spanish 7064-5585
José Hidalgo González 1522 General English 8893-9194
José Ignacio Fernández 2269 General English 8894-2210
José Iván Castillo Gómez 2262 General Spanish 8622-2319
José Joaquín Agüero G 855 General English, German 8347-6024
José Joaquín Ortiz C 131 Naturalist English 8395-6254
José Joaquín Tortós S 1091 Naturalist English 8304-8402
José Joaquín Tortós S 2458 General English 8304-8402
José Luis Pérez Fuentes 1774 General Spanish 8984-5237
José Luis Reyes E 1084 Whitewater Rafting Spanish 8555-5608
José Luis Reyes E 2032 Local Arenal Tempisque Spanish 8555-5608
José Luis Vega Alpízar 1817 Local Osa Spanish 8657-0418
José Maikel Jiménez V 647 Cables and ropes Spanish 8660-8608
José Manuel Fallas Soto 2035 General English 8986-9902
José Manuel Fallas Soto 995 Naturalist English 8986-9902
José Manuel Martínez F 1701 General English 8392-8252
José Manuel Murillo S 2375 General Spanish 8593-4769
José Manuel Torres Leitón 397 General English 8812-0905
José María Méndez Ch 1967 Local Guanacaste Spanish 8471-4404
José María Mora Chaves 1062 Whitewater Rafting Spanish 8351-1180


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