
Tour Guides

in Costa Rica

Tour Guides certified by the Costa Rica Tourism Board

There many advantages that come with traveling along a tour guide. You can get more information and details about our nature, cultural and historical facts in your own language that you would have missed if you happen to travel on your own. You can also practice your Spanish and some Tico Talk. Tour guides can help you save time and make the most of it. They are great at spotting animals and birds in hidden places or in the middle of the forest. You are welcome to choose any of the following certified tour guides that better suits your needs, among +2500 available in different specialties.

Title ID Number Guide Specialty Guide Language Telephone
Ariel González Matarrita 1164 Cables and ropes Spanish 8429-2797
Ariel Rodríguez Rojas 1122 Naturalist English 8454-9385
Ariel Rojas Cruz 2810 General English 8449-9376
Arlen Zúñiga Morales 7-0168-0361 General Spanish 6216-2323
Arlett Fabiola Quirós C 2806 General Spanish 8423-2099
Arlin Vallecillos Cabrera 1909 General Spanish 8775-6245
Arlin Vallecillos Cabrera 562 Naturalist Spanish 8775-6245
Arllet Fabiola Quirós C 1489 Local Spanish 8423-2099
Armando Castro Cerdas 1375 Local Spanish 8369-9460
Armin Adolf Liedl Liedl 2625 General German 8849-9893
Arnoldo Céspedes P 970 Whitewater Rafting English
Arnoldo Céspedes P 971 Cables and ropes English
Arnoldo Noél Lau H. 1058 Local Tortuguero Spanish 8707-3298
Arnulfo Montes Torres 1756 General Spanish 8351-1230
Aryeri Herrera Herrera 503 Naturalist Spanish 8303-9632
Asdrúbal Meneses Frías 441 Ascensos y Descensos Spanish 8814-9353
Asdrúbal Meneses Frías 440 Zipline - Canopy Spanish 8814-9353
Asdrúbal Meneses Frías 1479 General Spanish 8814-9353
Asdrúbal Meneses Frías 439 Whitewater Rafting Spanish 8814-9353
Ashly Rodríguez M 2725 General English 6017-0599
Asley Ruiz Atencio 1569 Local Spanish 8737-8604
Augusto Enrique Benlis 1861 General Spanish 8500-4427
Aura Tripovich García 1099 General English 8888-4371
Ausberto Mosquera Pineda 1369 General Spanish 8518-1432


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