Teatro Nacional

Thematic Activities

Teatro Nacional

San José, Calles 3 y 5 Avenida 2°, contiguo a la Plaza de la Cultura



Teatro Nacional

The National Theater of Costa Rica (TNCR) is a public institution created by Executive Decree No. XXXIII, May 28, 1890, which establishes “That the construction of a National Theater in this city [San José] is a demanded necessity for the civilization and culture of the country… ”. Its construction required the joint work of Costa Ricans and Europeans, who contributed their knowledge and made possible the creation of this temple of art, in accordance with the desire of the turn of the century republican architecture. Due to its considerable cultural value, this icon of the Costa Rican imagination and a fundamental vestige in the urban landscape of the capital city has been recognized as: • Monumento Nacional, Ley Nº 3632, La Gaceta Nº 292, (24/12/1965). • Institución Benemérita de las Artes Patrias, Decreto No. 7834, La Gaceta No. 203, (20/10/1998). • Símbolo Nacional de Patrimonio Histórico Arquitectónico y Libertad Cultural, Ley Nº 9521, La Gaceta Nº 72, (25/04/2018). With 123 years of experience and governed by Law No. 8290 and its regulations, the TNCR aims to promote the production of the performing arts in all its expressions, at the highest artistic level. Programming includes production, co-production, rental and loan in their various chambers. Every year, a great variety of shows and dramatized tours are offered by professionals who embody historical and fictional characters, which provides the visitor with a more playful experience. Also, you will be able to appreciate the López Escarré Gallery and enjoy the menu of the Alma de Café Cafeteria, both located in the original “Cantina de mujeres”. In the context of National Emergency due to the Global Pandemic called COVID-19, the TNCR abides by protocols and adjusts its programming according to the measures dictated by the Ministry of Health. All this is communicated through social networks and the website: www.teatronacional.go.cr


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