

Heredia Province

With a territory of 2.656 km2 and a population of 75,000 inhabitants, Heredia is Costa Rica’s smallest province. Founded in 1706, it is a town appreciated for its colonial heritage and traditional architecture.

Heredia is known for its tours of coffee plantations where visitors enjoy the captivating process of harvesting, drying and roasting of coffee beans.

Among the natural wonders of Heredia, the Barva volcano, a formidable colossus located at the west part of Braulio Carrillo National Park, rises 2.906 meters over sea level. The vegetation surrounding this sleeping giant is astonishing; it is an ideal place for bird watching, especially for those who dream of the magnificent quetzal.

The Sarapiqui river is another attraction in the province. This imposing river travels through dense vegetation where birds are abundant. It has an ideal current for those who enjoy rafting or tubing the rapids.



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