Refugio Nacional de Fauna Silvestre Golfito

Take a trip to Golfito National Wildlife Refuge


This refuge is located in the south of the country, in the seventh canton of Puntarenas, Golfito, which is located 300 km southeast of the city of Puntarenas. One interesting fact is that, along with Corcovado National Park and Piedras Blancas National Park, the park serves an important connective role as a biological corridor in Golfo Dulce. This is because of its location neighboring Piedras Blancas National Park.

It surrounds the town of Golfito nearly entirely and serves a vital role protecting its water supply – one of the reasons the refuge was initially created. Several local trails run from the northern edge of Golfito district to the refuge; the forested mountains of the refuge are visible from within the town as well.



You’re sure to enjoy the adventure of touring the numerous trails in the middle of the forest. If you head out on the Radio Tower Trail, make sure to bring a change of clothing and the supplies you’ll need for a five-hour hike. The Playa Cacao trail is another popular option since it offers impressive views over Golfo Dulce. There are a wide variety of shorter trails as well, which crisscross various parts of the forest – these are ideal if you’re looking for a shorter, simpler hike.

The refuge is made up of 2,810 ha, of which 869 belong to the state. Some 146 species of birds have been identified in the area, including macaws, parrots, brown pelicans, ibises, herons and barn owls. The presence of jaguars has been detected, but the most common mammal sightings are of white-faced capuchins and raccoons. You may also catch a glimpse of squirrel or spider monkeys, red-faced monkeys, howler monkeys, margays, anteaters, agoutis, lowland pacas and many species of snakes, butterflies and bats.


Don’t forget that if you visit the region, the Golfito Duty Free Zone is just 5 km away, along with accommodations and restaurants that are perfect for spending a fun holiday with your family or friends.

#VamosATuristear #VamosAGolfito

Hours of operation: Seven days a week from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Admission: Costa Rican citizens and residents ₡905

Foreigners: $11.30

More information: 2775 1210 ext. 129, 146.



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